Edo State Government Begins Teachers Recruitment Posted on January 22, 2025January 31, 2025 by Admin_moe Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 3Applicant's BiodataSurname *Firstname *Other names (optional)Gender *MaleFemaleDate of Birth *Phone *Email *LGA of Origin * Akoko-EdoEgorEsan CentralEsan North EastEsan South EastEsan WestEtsako CentralEtsako EastEtsako WestIguebenIkpoba OkhaOredoOrhionmwanOvia North EastOvia South WestOwan EastOwan WestUhunmwodeResidential Address *NextEducational QualificationInstitution attended *Certificate awarded * NCEBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreePostgraduate DiplomaHNDArea of study *Date of graduation *Highest qualification * NCEPost graduateBScMastersPhdTRCN certified? * YesNoNextEdoSTAR columnThis section is for existing EdoSTAR fellows currently teaching in Edo state public schools.Are you currently an EdoSTAR teacher? * YesNo Educational Date teacher Category Applied for? * PrimaryJunior SecondarySenior SecondarySubject Specialization Category * English Language (Category A)Mathematics (Category B)Science (Category C)Information Technology (Category D)Social Science (Category E)Years of Teaching Experience * Below 5 years5-10 years10-15 years15-20 yearsAbove 20 yearsEdoSTAR teacher category * Primary school teacherJunior secondary school teacherSenior secondary school teacherTeacher ID (EdoBEST) *Upload CV/Resume * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Submit